The Political Promise of Networked Learning

The Political Promise of Networked Learning

A reflection on “The Networked Student”, “Rethinking Learning: The 21st Century Learner“, “Connected Learning: An Agenda for Research and Design“, “The Global One-Room Schoolhouse“, and “Becoming a Networked Learner”...
Connectivism: Linking to "Level-Up"

Connectivism: Linking to "Level-Up"

A reflection on “Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age” by George Siemens (2004) and “Arc-of-Life Learning; A New Culture of Learning” by Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown (2011)    “When knowledge…is needed, but not...
Personal Learning Philosophy v.1

Personal Learning Philosophy v.1

People • Problems • Strategies • Connections At this point in the game, I find myself in a curious and rather uneasy state: buzzing with energy like a bad espresso overdose and brimming over with questions, questions, questions. Only three weeks into formally studying...
Finding and Feeding the Inner Five-Year-Old

Finding and Feeding the Inner Five-Year-Old

A reflection on two texts by John Seely Brown: “Learning Working & Playing in the Digital Age” (1999) and “Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0” (2008) Learning in the digital age lets us resume...