The nature or nurture binary is bunk. At best, it asks for a facile choice between what are essentially complementary mechanisms of brain and behavior. At worst, it’s a model that strips an individual of agency, forcing a fixed mindset that hinders self-directed growth and lifelong learning.
For proof, let’s take up Bransford et al.’s rallying call for a synergy of inquiry and set aside – for a moment, at least – our preoccupation with design strategies for formal learning.
If we slide backwards along the continuum of learning contexts, we can examine the mind in its initial state, untouched by schooling. The brain of a newborn child is characterized by the raw, electric potentiality of a system primed for implicit learning and rapid change. For this inchoate bundle of nerves and neurons, experience – what we call nurture – plays an outsized role. To be sure, DNA has granted it certain baked-in capacities for movement, language, and perception. But the people, objects, and environments to which it is exposed have the power to shape the brain at a basic, structural level. From the density of synapses to the patterns of neural networks, the brain organizes itself through processes of “pruning” and “neural commitment” in response to experience (Bransford et al., 2006, p. 213).
We should be wary, though, of framing this development as a purely passive process. If a learner believes her intellectual capacity is fixed as the sum of her DNA and her early learning experiences, what hope could she have for transformation? Experiential, implicit learning and informal learning across diverse contexts certainly inform one’s total knowledge acquisition, but to what extend do they define it?
Carol Dweck’s seminal work in mindsets shows that those individuals who possess a fixed self-conception believe their intelligence and abilities are predefined, static traits. For learners with a fixed mindset, there is little use in challenging themselves or adjusting their strategies for learning – they believe they either have what it takes to succeed or they don’t (Dweck, 2006).
Here, the concept of neural plasticity comes into play. Emerging research challenges the idea of rigid “critical periods” for learning and shows that the mind is indeed more flexible, or plastic, than learning scientists originally believed (Bransford et al., 2006, p. 213). Indeed, the “adaptive expertise” afforded by this kind of neural flexibility is not only possible, but desirable in our quickly changing 21st century world.
Becoming an adaptive expert requires that learners have confidence in their abilities to change and grow by working outside of their comfort zones. Pushing themselves to explore unfamiliar ideas and strategies can reduce their efficiency in the short term, which can be an uncomfortable prospect (Bransford et al., 2006, p. 226). Still, learning to build the resilience to fully engage with the ambiguity inherent in working with open-ended problems is a necessary step in becoming a mature, adaptive learner. Flexibility, resilience, and a growth mindset are internal, rather than technological tools that can act as bridges across contexts as learners work to gain new knowledge, skills, and experiences (Sharples et al., 2009, p. 235).
Bransford, J., Vye, N., Stevens, R., Kuhl, P., Schwartz, D., Bell, P., … Sabelli, N. (2006). Learning theories and education: Toward a decade of synergy. In P. A. Alexander & P. H. Winne (Eds.), Handbook of educational psychology (2nd ed., pp. 209–244). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Elerbaum Associates.
Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Random House.
Sharples, M., Arnedillo-Sanchez, I., Milrad, M., & Vavoula, G. (2009). Mobile learning: Small devices, big issues. In N. Balacheff, S. Ludvigsen, T. Jong, A. Lazonder, & S. Barnes (Eds.), Technology-enhanced learning (pp. 233-249). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-9827-7
Maria — I liked your points about the fixed v. growth oriented mindset. I recall an old storybook that I loved as a child and that I read often to my sons when they were growing up — The Little Engine That Could. Basically, it’s about a small train engine that kept thinking to themselves “I think I can”. Of course, you can imagine that the small train engine ends up saving the day! Sure, it’s a cute kid’s story, but I think it encompasses the idea of the growth mindset that is required for adaptive expertise.
Unfortunately I think the current grade-based assessment processes that are used in most education systems do not really support the development of adaptive expertise. Most students today seem to be taught to ‘color between the lines’ instead of allowing them the freedom to innovatively solve problems. We need to allow students to, as Bransford, et al, (2006) states “develop characteristics of adaptive expertise that include the habits of mind of reflection on situations and actions with the goal of trying out new ideas, moving away from comfort zones, and actively seeking feedback in order to test new ideas” (p. 231). Many of yesterday’s and today’s greatest innovators did not perform well in the traditional ways of assessing student success — yet we continue to focus on making sure students can pass a test instead of making sure they have the skills and capability to become lifelong, self-directed learners.
Here’s one of my new favorite authors (http://www.johnseelybrown.com/) that has some ideas for how to change our education to consider development of adaptive expertise.
Maria — your thoughts on the readings take me back to a question that I have seen be discussed at a lot of leadership sessions — “Are leaders born with the talent or can leadership be acquired?”. I have personally been in the “put in enough hard work and anything can be learned” camp, somewhat along the lines of the 10,000 hour theory by Malcolm Gladwell from his book Outliers. From our readings this week, you picked out from the research presented, how it is done and explained using the concept of neural plasticity, and also extended the discussion towards how technology can play a significant role in making that learning process more effective. Adaptive expertise is indeed a requirement for continuous learning in the 21st century and can be applied from the structured learning such as coursework, all the way to unstructured education such as leadership.
I truly enjoy reading your blog posts. You have a gift with words. 🙂
I wanted to respond to the internal tools you mentioned as essential to being an adaptive learner. Being that I work with technology, I often encounter people who have reached a certain level of functionality with a piece of software and want to go no farther. Or … they have used one type of software to accomplish a task and do not want to shift to a new product. They have effectively erected their own brick wall!
Sometimes my job is to chip away at the mortar and pull out a little piece of brick to expose them to something new.
With all of the changes taking place at Penn State in the software realm (LionPath and Canvas, to name just two). I keep my chisel in my hand daily.
I then peer through the hole and take hold of their hand.
If I can get them to merely “touch” the new software and see that it can make things easier or that it is not as difficult as they imagined (or have heard), then I have a shot at getting them to push the wall over all o their own.