SElect professional experience
Teaching, Learning, & technology manager
School of Education
- Collaboratively designed and facilitated instructor training programs, including the year-long School of Education New Faculty Onboarding luncheon and the Graduate Assistant Orientation.
- Consulted with instructors in Arts, Education, and Health departments to design, develop, and evaluate online, hybrid, and residential courses and degree programs.
- Supervised professional staff members in instructional design, technology, and media services. Mentored graduate, undergraduate, and pre-college student staff.
- Co-coordinated the School of Education Teaching Innovation Grant program (2020–2021), an initiative to support organizational change rooted in effective and equitable teaching practices.
Instructional Designer
School of Education
- Partnered with instructors to design, develop, and evaluate online and blended courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in alignment with the School’s strategic goals for program growth.
- Collaboratively designed and facilitated faculty development programs, including the university-wide TeachOnline@UW learning community and the Jumpstart: Rapid Course Development series.
Distinguished Achievement Award (2022)
University of Wisconsin–Madison, School of Education
WCER Shines in School of Education’s Faculty and Staff Distinguished Achievement Awards
Robert J. Menges Award for Outstanding Research
in Educational Development (2020)
Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education
Principal Investigator: Dr. Karen Skibba
UW–Madison’s Widmer, Skibba receive Robert J. Menges Award
Teaching Academy Fellow (2020)
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Invited Speaker. (2024, January). Instructional design and learning analytics. Virtual presentation for the M.S. in Educational Psychology–Learning Analytics, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Guest Lecturer. (2020–2023). Tools and strategies for designing, developing, and facilitating online and blended learning. RP&SE 930: Teaching in Rehabilitation Counselor Education, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Invited Speaker. (2022, April). Faculty spotlight on design. Virtual presentation for the M.S. in Educational Psychology–Learning Analytics, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Invited Panelist. (2022, March). Women in learning analytics. Virtual presentation for the M.S. in Educational Psychology–Learning Analytics, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Invited Facilitator. (2021, October). Universal design: Different ways of engaging students remotely. Virtual presentation for Academic Coaching to Thrive & Succeed (ACTS), Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Invited Speaker. (2021, September). Strategies for facilitating active learning and community building. Virtual presentation for the Tutor Development Conference, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Invited Facilitator. (2021, April). Closing out strong: Preparing for finals. Virtual presentation for Academic Coaching to Thrive & Succeed (ACTS), Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Invited Facilitator. (2021, March). Inclusive and engaging session design. Virtual presentation for Academic Coaching to Thrive & Succeed (ACTS), Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Invited Facilitator. (2021, February). Student engagement. Virtual presentation for Academic Coaching to Thrive & Succeed (ACTS), Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Invited Speaker. (2021, January). Innovation in instructional design. Virtual presentation for the M.S. in Educational Psychology–Learning Analytics, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Invited Panelist. (2020, June). Fostering student learning in remote environments. Presented at the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) Panel Discussion, Virtual.
Invited Facilitator. (2018, February–May). Podcasting for storytelling in education. Tomorrow’s Educators for Equity in Madison (TEEM) Scholars.